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http://www.CRNTT.com   2017-06-05 10:23:17

  All countries should have a voice in shaping the international system. but doing so by ignoring or violating international law threatens all that this inclusive global community has built together during the last 70 years, an international system that grew out of the grim lessons of world war ii and the immense suffering of millions of people.

  For example, the United States remains committed to protecting the rights, freedoms, and lawful uses of the sea, and the ability of countries to exercise those rights in the strategically important east and south China seas.

  The 2016 ruling by the permanent court of arbitration on the case brought by the Philippines on the South China Sea is binding. We call on all claimants to use this as a starting point to peacefully manage their disputes in the South China Sea.

  Artificial island construction and indisputable militarization of facilities on features in international waters undermine regional stability.

  The scope and effect of China’s construction activities in the South China Sea differ from those of other countries in several key ways. This includes:

      • The nature of its militarization;

      • China’s blatant disregard for international law;

      • Its contempt for other nations’ interests; and

      • Its efforts to dismiss non-adversarial resolution of issues.

  We oppose countries militarizing artificial islands and enforcing excessive maritime claims unsupported by international law. We cannot and will not accept unilateral, coercive changes to the status quo.

  We will continue to fly, sail, and operate wherever international law allows and demonstrate resolve through operational presence in the South China Sea and beyond. Our operations throughout the region are an expression of our willingness to defend both our interests and the freedoms enshrined in international law.

  As Prime Minister Modi of India has stated, so clearly, “respecting freedom of navigation and adhering to international norms [are] essential for peace and economic growth in the inter-linked geography of the indo-pacific.”

  China’s growth over these last decades illustrates that the Chinese people have, as well, benefited from these freedoms. Where we have overlapping interests, we seek to cooperate with China as much as possible.

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