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http://www.CRNTT.com   2011-06-15 00:33:14

  问题一:During your visit to Hong Kong, what do you think is the most significant problems and challenges of the city? What advice would you give to the next chief executive? Please answer in English, thank you.

  王光亚:As far as economic development is concerned, my personal impression is that Hong Kong is always at the forefront. Hong Kong has been regarded as one of the four dragons / tigers, therefore I think Hong Kong has a lot of advantages. During my visit, I think that the concern many people in Hong Kong have is that altough Hong Kong still have its advantages, but the challenges are there, and the challenges are real. I think the problem is how to continue to use the creativity of the Hong Kong people, to make sure that as far as the other economies are catching up, Hong Kong should continue to try its best, to be at the forefront of all the economies. 

  Therefore, I think that Hong Kong should have the sense of urgency, not only the government itself, but all our compatriots in Hong Kong should have it. I think you can work together with the government, and also with the Central Government, because there are many policy support from the Central Government. Hong Kong should continue to achieve its economic advantages. With economic development, you can have more resources to try to solve the livelihood of people’s concerns, like the housing problem and the inflation problem. I think there are two edges, one is economic development, one is the concern of ordinary people, for the next government I think they should combin this two. One the one hand, have plan for development, have a longer vision for the economic growth in Hong Kong. On the other hand, take into account into the concerns of ordinary people, particularly those vulnerable groups, so that by achieving these two, you can have more harmony in the society. Thank you.

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    相关专题: 王光亚访问香港 广泛接触各阶层

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