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台湾专家:南海U-型线 要在法理上站住脚 | |
http://www.CRNTT.com 2014-08-13 00:36:55 |
何为海事公共疆域 两岸中国通过U-型线对南海80%⑪或者90%的海域享有传统上我们所理解的领土主权。〔不过,在此必须要先提醒读者说国际regimes在那一片海域的运作将使我们所理解的例如(残余或者部分)领土主权在那个时间点靠边站、不管用。〕其次,2010年7月,当时担任美国国务卿的希拉里(Hillary Rodham Clinton)首次就亚洲提到海事公共疆域这个概念。虽然她并没有明确地点出南海,但是我们都知道说她就是在讲我们的固有之疆域(北京的用语为“我国传统疆域线”或者“中国固有领土”)。 凭笔者的直接感觉,在U-型线内,部分的海域并非为内水、领海、毗连区和专属经济海域的总和。易言之,吾人可以把剩下的水域视为海事公共疆域。但是,在宣告之前,我们有必须要把这些海事公共疆域公司化,也就是交给一家两岸四地的某一家私人跨国性公司来治理、经营。这表示说台湾与大陆的三军加上后者的第二炮兵部队要作为这家公司的后盾;如此,才能够真正的巩固中华民族的利益,为何要提军事呢? 大家不要忘记说海事公共疆域这个概念包含有别于非使用武力regime(non-use of force regime)的使用武力regime(use of force regime)⑫这个军事层面,基于以下的原因,例如具有正当性的防卫(legitimate defense);在海外国民之维护(protection of nationals abroad);报复(reprisals);人道的介入(humanitarian intervention);和公共秩序的执行(public order enforcement)⑬。如果就每一项能够100%地运作,其结果就是共善(common good),也就是对大家(包含每个人)都有利! 须知,Clinton是有意思的先将南海公有化。之后,我们不排除说美国和其他的海上强权会成立一个南海的治理/管理机构(the Spratlys Governance/Management Authority),来治理和管理该片海域。与其让外国人得逞,不如中方先下手为强。吾人必须要懂得运用外国人所创造的概念来将他们一军。 注释 ①Deputy national security adviser for strategic communication for U.S. President Barack H. Obama. ②The original words were : "Yeah. And we're not going to -we wouldn't speak for the governing authority in the Republic of China. I do think that the broader point is, whether it's Taiwan or any other claimant, we want to see this resolved consistent with international law. The U.S. is not a claimant, so we don't take a position on a particular claim by a particular country. What we want to reinforce is that there is a framework of international law that should allow for the peaceful resolution of these disputes through, again, diplomacy and legal channels, and not through any type of coercion," http://fpc.state.gov/225011.htm, accessed on May 15, 2014. ③http://www.cna.com.tw/news/aopl/201404220002-1.aspx, accessed on May 15, 2014. ④该州认为它拥有历史性水域,故该群岛属于州政府的;但是,最高法院认定说"the burden of proof is 'rigorous'" regarding historic waters, 而且除非该州拥有"exceptionally strong" proof, 否则美国联邦政府就拒绝承认. In an opinion delivered by Justice Anthony Kennedy, the Supreme Court unanimously concluded that the Alexander Archipelago waters were not inland waters and thus belonged to the American federal government. Mississippi Sound is another historic waters area which does not appear in the United Nations (UN) list. Alaska relies heavily on the Sound. See accessed on May 16, 2014. ⑤曾经为俄国人的殖民地,因为害怕英国人拿走,俄国人才以低价把它卖给了美国。 ⑥http://books.google.com.tw, accessed on May 16, 2014. ⑦引用自http://law.cssn.cn/fx/fx_gjfx/201310/t20131023_465370.shtml, accessed on May 16, 2014. ⑧Cited in Lowell B. Bautista, "Philippine Territorial Boundaries: Internal Tensions, Colonial Baggage, Ambivalent Conformity," Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Vol.16, Issue 1 (December 2011), p.36. ⑨See also Clive R. Symmons, Historic Waters in the Law of the Sea: A Modern Re-appraisal (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, 2008). ⑩此为吾师熊玠的翻译。又参阅俞剑鸿,〈在南海的两个层面:国际Regimse和海洋事务Commons〉,《空军军官双月刊》,第173期,2012年12月,页72-87。 ⑪越南人的算法。 ⑫Nicholas Tsagourias, "Necessity and the Use of Force: A Special Regime" in I. F. Dekker and E. Hey, eds., Netherlands Yearbook of International Law (T. M. C. Asser Press), Volume 41, 2010, pp.11-44. Articles 39, 42, and 51 are related to the use of force in the United Nations (UN) Charter. ⑬Tsagourias, ibid., p.14. |
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