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http://www.CRNTT.com   2021-11-16 00:03:02  







  〔6〕Marianne Riddervold & Akasemi Newsome (2018) Transatlantic relations in times of uncertainty:crises and EU-US relations, Journal of European Integration, 40:5, 505-521 

  〔7〕Marianne Riddervold & Guri Rosén (2018) Unified in response to rising powers? China, Russia and EU-US relations, Journal of European Integration, 40:5, 555-570


  〔9〕https://ecfr.eu/publication/the-crisis-of-american-power-how-europeans-see-bidens-america/ ; 同时可参考 https://news.northeastern.edu/2021/02/01/biden-seeks-to-reset-relations-with-europe-but-the-ground-rules-have-changed/ 


  〔11〕Santander, S. and Vlassis, A. (2021), The EU in Search of Autonomy in the Era of Chinese Expansionism and COVID-19 Pandemic. Glob. Policy, 12:149-156. 







  〔18〕Janes, J. Transatlantic Relations Under US President Joe Biden. Z Au.en Sicherheitspolit 14, 57–73 (2021). 













  〔31〕John Van Oudenaren:Crisis and Renewal:An Introduction to the European Union ( Rowman & Littlefield, 2021) , 430-431



  〔34〕Dong Jung Kim (2021) Europe as a geoeconomic pivot:geography and the limits of US economic containment of China, European Security, DOI:10.1080/09662839.2021.1969363 ;亦可参阅李海默:《稳定欧洲是中国对美外交破局的要务》,《中国评论》(香港),2021年6月号,第41-46页


  〔36〕Perthes, V. Dimensions of rivalry:China, the United States, and Europe. China Int Strategy Rev. 3, 56–65 (2021). 


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