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  〔10〕Monetary Gold Removed from Rome in 1943 ( Italy v. France,United Kingdom,and United States) , Preliminary Question, Judgment, I.C.J Reports, 1954, p.19.

  〔11〕South China Sea Arbitration, Hearing on the Merits and Remaining Issues of Jurisdiction and Admissibility, 25 November 2015, p.6.

  〔12〕 South China Sea Arbitration, Award, 12 July 2016, p.31, para.89.

  〔13〕Anna Riddell and Brendan Plant. Evidence Before the International Court of Justice. British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2009, pp.1-2.



  〔16〕Anna Riddell and Brendan Plant. Evidence Before the International Court of Justice. British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2009, p.185.

  〔17〕The Corfu Channel Case.Judgment, April 19, 1949, I.C.J.Reports, pp.18-20. 

  〔18〕Anna Riddell and Brendan Plant. Evidence Before the International Court of Justice. British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2009, pp.188-189.

  〔19〕Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America), Jurisdiction and Admissibility, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1984, p.427, paras.59-60.

  〔20〕South China Sea Arbitration, Rules of Procedure, 27 August 2013.

  〔21〕 张晏玱:《论法庭之友意见对中菲南海仲裁案的影响》,《亚太安全与海洋研究》2018年第3期,第47-61页。

  〔22〕South China Sea Arbitration, Award on Jurisdiction and Admissibility, 29 October 2015, paras.149-150,155-157.


  〔24〕South China Sea Arbitration, Award on Jurisdiction and Admissibility, 29 October 2015. para.393.

  〔25〕 菲国在诉状第五章96、98、100段加入太平岛,详见:South China Sea Arbitration, Philippine Memorial, 30 March 2014, paras.96,98,100.


  〔27〕South China Sea Arbitration, Award,12 July 2016, para.139.

  〔28〕South China Sea Arbitration, PCA Letter to Parties, 01 April 2016.



  〔31〕South China Sea Arbitration, Supplemental Written Submission of the Philippines, 16 March 2015, p83.

  〔32〕South China Sea Arbitration, Supplemental Written Submission of the Philippines, 16 March 2015, p83-87.

  〔33〕South China Sea Arbitration, Award, 12 July 2016, para.192.

  〔34〕South China Sea Arbitration, Award, 12 July 2016, para.197.

  〔35〕South China Sea Arbitration, Award on Jurisdiction and Admissibility, 29 October 2015, paras.153-154.


  〔37〕 South China Sea Arbitration, Final Transcript Day 2 - Merits Hearing, 25 November 2015, p.107.


  〔39〕Bryan A. Garner: Black's Law Dictionary (Standard Ninth Edition). West. a Thomson business, 2009, p.796.


  〔41〕Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Manila to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Republic of the Philippines, No. 11, 6 July 2011.


  〔43〕South China Sea Arbitration, Award, 12 July 2016, paras.428-440.

  〔44〕South China Sea Arbitration, Award, 12 July 2016, Para.584

  〔45〕South China Sea Arbitration, Award, 12 July 2016, Paras.593, 596

  〔46〕South China Sea Arbitration, Award, 12 July 2016, Para.601

  〔47〕South China Sea Arbitration, Award, 12 July 2016, Para.620

  〔48〕South China Sea Arbitration, Award, 12 July 2016, Paras.603-614

  〔49〕South China Sea Arbitration, Award, 12 July 2016, Paras.594-596.

  〔50〕South China Sea Arbitration, Award, 12 July 2016, Paras.632-633

  〔51〕Churchill and Lowe, The Law of the Sea, Juris Publishing, Manchester University Press, 1983, p.36.

  〔52〕Case Concerning Land, Island and Maritime Frontier ( El Salvador v Honduras ). I.C.J Reports, 1990. p.588, para.384.

  〔53〕Yann-huei Song, Peter Kien-hong Yu. China's “historic waters” in the South China Sea: an analysis from Taiwan, R.O.C. American Asian Review Vol. 12, Winter, 1994, p.93.

  〔54〕United Nations. Juridical Regime of Historic Waters, Including Historic Bays, UN Doc. A/CN.4/143,9 March 1962. para.185.

  〔55〕 South China Sea Arbitration, Award, 12 July 2016, para.449. 







  〔62〕South China Sea Arbitration, Award, 12 July 2016, para.229.

  〔63〕South China Sea Arbitration, Award, 12 July 2016, para.228.


  〔65〕South China Sea Arbitration, Award, 12 July 2016, para.227.

  〔66〕 Banyan. Joining the Dashes: The South China Sea’s Littoral States will Fight in the Museums, in The Archives and on the Map.The Economics,04 Oct 2014.

  〔67〕 South China Sea Arbitration, Supplemental Written Submission of the Philippines, 16 March 2015, pp.83-87.

  〔68〕CHIH-KUNG LIU. Letter to Editor:Taiwan and South China Sea. The Economics, 01 Nov 2014.


  〔70〕South China Sea Arbitration, Award, 12 July 2016, para.229.

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