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http://www.CRNTT.com   2017-06-05 10:23:17

  These principles underwrite stability and build trust, security, and prosperity. The growing prosperity of the people in this region gives proof to the value of institutions such as the United Nations, ASEAN, the World Bank, and the international monetary fund, which can spur economic growth.

  The United States will continue to adapt and continue to expand its ability to work with others to secure a peaceful, prosperous, and free Asia, with respect for all nations upholding international law.

  Because we recognize no nation is an island, isolated from others…we stand with our allies, partners, and the international community to address pressing security challenges together.

  As countries make sovereign decisions free from coercion, the region will gain increased stability and security for the mutual benefit of all nations.

  In our cooperative pursuit of that vision, we cannot ignore the challenges we face.

  As vice president pence stated, the “most urgent and dangerous threat to peace and security in the Asia-pacific is North Korea.” North Korea’s continued pursuit of nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them is not new, but the regime has increased the pace and scope of its efforts.

  While the North Korean regime has a long record of murder of diplomats, of kidnapping, killing of sailors, and criminal activity, its nuclear weapons program is a threat to all.

  coupled with reckless proclamations, the current north Korean program signals a clear intent to acquire nuclear-armed ballistic missiles, including those of intercontinental range, that pose direct and immediate threats to our regional allies, partners, and all the world.

  President trump has made clear “the era of strategic patience is over.” as a matter of US national security, the United States regards the threat from North Korea as a clear and present danger.

  The regime’s actions are manifestly illegal under international law. There is a strong international consensus that the current situation cannot continue. China’s declared policy of a de-nuclearized Korean peninsula is our policy as well, and also that of japan and the republic of Korea.

  All nations represented in this room share an interest in restoring stability. The trump administration is encouraged by China’s renewed commitment to work with the international community toward de-nuclearization.

  Ultimately, we believe China will come to recognize North Korea as a strategic liability, not an asset – a liability inciting increased disharmony and causing peace-loving populations in the region to increase defense spending.

  as China's President Xi said in April: “only if all sides live up to their responsibilities and come together from different directions can the nuclear issues on the peninsula be resolved as quickly as possible.”

  I agree with President Xi’s words on this point. And those words must be followed by actions.

  North Korea poses a threat to us all. It is therefore imperative that all countries do their part to fulfil their obligations and work together to support our shared goal of denuclearization on the Korean peninsula.

  We are coordinating with the United Nations, allies, and partners to put new pressure on North Korea to abandon this dangerous path.

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