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今年香格里拉对话会 澳总理主旨演讲
http://www.CRNTT.com   2017-06-03 14:30:40

  Australia’s vision, optimistic and born of ambition rather than anxiety, is for a neighbourhood that is defined by open markets and the free flow of goods, services, capital and ideas. Where freedom of navigation goes unchallenged and the rights of small states are untrammelled. Where our shared natural bounty – our land, water and air – is cherished and protected. And disagreements are resolved by dialogue in accordance with agreed rules and established institutions.

  This is a world where big fish neither eat nor intimidate the small.

  Our interests will not align on every issue – but we have to find a unity of purpose. Our generation must arm itself with urgency and conviction in order to ensure the Indo-Pacific retains its place at the centre of human ambition and achievement.

  We must:

  - Commit to the principle that respect for the rules delivers lasting peace;
  - Work together through our regional institutions for the common good;
  - Reject the de-globalisation impulse with a principled and sustained commitment to greater economic integration; and
  - Embrace the opportunities, and address the vulnerabilities, of the digital age.

  Together we have succeeded in creating the fastest growing, most dynamic part of the world precisely because the strong have not done what they will, without consequences. This disciplining of power has delivered compounding returns in stability and prosperity.

  We should be under no illusions: If we are to maintain the dynamism of the region then we must preserve the rules-based structure that has enabled it thus far.
This means cooperation not unilateral actions to seize or create territory or militarise disputed areas. This means competing within the framework of international law not winning through corruption, interference or coercion.

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