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萨尔瓦多与台断交 美官方称正评估美萨关系
http://www.CRNTT.com   2018-08-22 09:14:42

美国国务院对萨尔瓦多与台湾断交表示失望 资料相
  中评社华盛顿8月21日电(记者 余东晖)萨尔瓦多与台湾断交,转向北京,美国官方表达失望,并称正在评估美国与萨尔瓦多的关系。
  在萨尔瓦多转向北京一整天之后,美国国务院发言人21日晚间以背景说明的方式,向中评社发来声明说:“我们注意到台湾和萨尔瓦多断交。尽管我们承认每个国家都有决定其外交关系的主权,但我们对这一决定深感失望。在这一决定之后,我们正在评估我们同萨尔瓦多的关系。”(We are aware of the break in diplomatic ties between Taiwan and El Salvador. Although we recognize the sovereign right of every country to determine its diplomatic relations, we are deeply disappointed by this decision.We are reviewing our relationship with El Salvador following this decision.)
  这位发言人转而说:“中国单方面改变现状的努力是有害的,无助于区域稳定。相反,它们破坏了几十年来实现和平、稳定和发展的架构。美国敦促中国避免采取可能危及台湾人民安全、社会或经济制度的胁迫。根据‘台湾关系法’,美国认为任何不是透过和平手段决定台湾未来的努力,包括杯葛或禁运,都是美国的严重关切。”(China’s efforts to unilaterally alter the status quo are harmful and do not contribute to regional stability. Rather, they undermine the framework that has enabled peace, stability, and development for decades. The United States urges China to abstain from coercion that would jeopardize the security, or the social or economic system, of the people on Taiwan. Consistent with the Taiwan Relations Act, the United States considers any effort to determine the future of Taiwan by other than peaceful means, including by boycotts or embargoes, of grave concern to the United States.)
  发言人表示:“台湾是一个民主的成功故事,是一个可靠的伙伴,是世界上一股为善的力量。美国将继续支持台湾,因为台湾寻求扩大其在应对全球挑战方面已经做出的重大贡献,台湾也拒绝限制其在世界舞台上的适当参与。”(Taiwan is a democratic success story, a reliable partner, and a force for good in the world. The United States will continue to support Taiwan as it seeks to expand its already significant contributions to addressing global challenges, and as Taiwan resists efforts to constrain its appropriate participation on the world stage. ) 

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