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蔡英文宣布投资美国援外机构 对抗一带一路
http://www.CRNTT.com   2019-03-28 11:11:35

蔡英文在夏威夷与华府智库传统基金会进行视讯会议。(中评社 黄筱筠摄)

  PART 2:QA Session Moderated by Dr. Ed Feulner





  My position on cross-strait relations continues to be clear:we need to be pragmatic, we need to maintain the status quo, and we need to continue being a responsible stakeholder. They have not made this easy.

  Beijing has continued to focus on what they want:the “1992 consensus,” “one China,” and, eventually, a “one country, two systems model for Taiwan.” They have not thought about what the people of Taiwan want, which is to be able to maintain our way of life and ability to make our own decisions, free of coercion.

  We need to be able to sit-down and have frank discussions about how we can find common ground without preconditions. Both sides must be willing, as a first step, to show goodwill so that we are able to create more lasting trust across the Taiwan Strait. I remain committed to this, and I think our friends and partners around the world remain supportive of this process as well.










  It’s true that China continues to increase their actions in the Pacific, including in our diplomatic allies. Their purpose is to bring these countries closer to them economically, politically, and to a certain extent, strategically. 

  There has been an increased awareness of this issue by the US, Australia, Japan, and other stakeholders. Many like-minded countries see the challenge that China’s actions pose in terms of debt, stability, and good governance – issues that are extremely important in the Pacific.

  This is why I think it’s essential for Taiwan and like-minded countries to work together to create a values-based partnership in the Pacific.

  I believe that when given a choice, Pacific states would prefer that assistance and investment come from countries that share their values and interests.

  As a result, we will enhance our cooperation with the US in areas of private investment, including through the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC). 

  We will ensure that our current assistance into infrastructure, education, healthcare, and agriculture corresponds closely with the actual needs of their people, and find ways to invite other like-minded countries to play a role.

  We will more broadly share the good narrative we’ve been building, not only with their governments, but also everyday people. And on the flip side, cooperate with partners to counter the Chinese narrative, and share examples of areas where the Chinese have not lived up to their promises in the region.

  We believe our values underpin each and every one of our relationships in the Pacific. And we want to actively work with like-minded countries to build a broad partnership to ensure that these values are protected.








  My number one priority is to ensure that our 23 million people, democracy, and way of life are well protected. Strengthening our armed forces so that we have the capacity to deter aggression is a core part of that.

  This year we are seeing the third consecutive year of defense budget increases for the first time in recent history. These funds have been directed into programs that will make a real difference in Taiwan’s defense, including asymmetrical capabilities, training, and ensuring that the transition to the all-volunteer force proceeds smoothly.

  We are building for ourselves capabilities that we need, but have not been able to procure, such as submarines and trainer jets. After long years of decline, our defense industries are coming back to life.

  We are grateful that the United States has continued to sell us equipment that, after careful review, are based on Taiwan’s actual needs. We are pleased to have submitted new requests for M1 tanks and F-16V fighter jets, which will greatly enhance our land and air capabilities, strengthen military morale, and show to the world the US commitment to Taiwan’s defense.

  We are also investing heavily into training as well as the modernizing our defense strategies to prioritize the use of asymmetrical capabilities, so that they more closely correspond with the realities of the threat we face. 

  Altogether, I hope that these actions will ensure that the people of Taiwan remain able to choose our own futures, free of coercion.








  Taiwan has consistently been a great economic partner of the US. We are your 11th largest trading partner. Just over the past year, we have seen a number of Taiwanese companies expand their investments in the petrochemical and aluminum sectors. We have announced new purchases of natural gas and soy beans.

  Taiwan is punching above our weight.

  The question is where do we go from here?

  If we look at Taiwan’s strategic situation more holistically, there is a very real need for us to engage further on trade. Broadly, this includes discussions on Taiwan’s role in the global high-tech supply chain amid concerns of technology theft and control over 5G networks. It includes strategic considerations on how we can reduce our trade reliance on China as they increase their political influence in Taiwan, primarily using economic actors. It includes many questions that require us to sit down and have serious conversations about.

  Therefore, our priority remains to enter discussions for a bilateral trade agreement with the US. This will be mutually beneficial and reflective of the Trump administration’s economic engagement in Asia. It also makes sense strategically, bringing Taiwan’s high-tech supply chain closer to the US, and diversifying our trade to partners that share our interests and values.

  And if we can have a breakthrough in trade with the US, this would be very helpful in terms of encouraging many other trading partners to do the same. 

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