12. 朋友多了,路才好走。
More friends, more opportunities。
该句直译过来应该是“more friends, more roads”,可是这么说台下的外国友人肯定不太能理解,所以我们还要给中文原本的意思做一个引申,译成“机会”,显得好懂多了。
13. 应该变赢者通吃为各方共赢,共同做大亚太发展的蛋糕
We should replace the “winner-take-all” mentality with an all-win approach and work together for great development and prosperity of our region。
14. 生活从不眷顾因循守旧、满足现状者,而将更多机遇留给勇于和善于改革创新的人们。
Life never favors those who always follow the beaten path and content themselves with the status quo. Instead, life saves opportunities for people who are willing and able to reform and innovate。
15. 如果说创新是中国发展的新引擎,那么改革就是必不可少的点火器
If innovation is the new engine for China's development, reform is the indispensable igniter。
这又是一句打比方。中文通俗易懂,英文直译也不会产生理解问题,那就顺着这句话的顺序来吧,这样的好处是译者与读(听)者都方便。 |