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http://www.CRNTT.com   2020-08-15 09:56:10


  The absolute gall of the United States in condemning “apps [that] threaten our privacy, proliferate viruses, and spread propaganda and disinformation” is justs lightly too stunning to be laughable. Without exception, the United States engages in every one of these practices and violates every single one of these bullet pointed virtues of a Clean Internet.
  There’s no reason to believe TikTok vacuums up more data than Facebook or any other app, whose owners, in the absence of any meaningful regulation, can do whatever they please with that information in perpetuity.
  If we’re condemning the practice of duplicity in the name of national security, it’s odd to let Silicon Valley so entirely off thehook.
  Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was asked about a virtual private network the company deployed to smart phones to spy on children and adults in exchange for bribes — or, as Facebook put it, for “market research.” Zuckerberg denied that he had ever heard of this incident even as he told Congress, under oath, that the company doesn’t use cookies to track private information (it does).
  Google’s Android phones comepre-installed with a long list of always-on, always-listening, always-tracking features that quietly surveil customers’ smart phone habits and locations:data increasingly handed over to police, and, as always, leveraged for targeted advertising by a mind-boggling range of companies. 

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