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http://www.CRNTT.com   2020-08-15 09:56:10

  Skype, one of the world’s most popular and trusted pieces of software, was infamously sabotaged by its American owner in order to let the NSA effectively spy on conversations it carried.
  Pompeo calls for a “Clean Cloud” that can’t be “accessible to our foreign adversaries.” It would be interesting to hear Pompeo’s pitch for why other countries should instead turn to, say, Amazon’s AWS cloud service, used by the CIA and NSA. 

  (August 7, 2020, Sam Biddle, theintercept.com, The Filthy Hypocrisy of America’s “Clean” China-Free Internet)


  A strict interpretation could force Apple and Google to remove WeChat and its Chinese sister app Weixin from their app stores, a move that would severely dent iPhone sales in China, such is the popularity of the app.
  The US could also cut Tencent off from the computer chips, servers and US software that it relies upon to operate, lawyers warned. US companies such as Walmart, Coke and Nike that rely on WeChat to market and sell their goods would also behit. WeChat has largely replaced email in China and is one of two main ways of making mobile payments in China’s increasingly cashless cities. 

  (August 8, 2020, ChristianShepherd, Yuan Yang and Kiran Stacey, Financial Times, Tencent crackdown poses threat to US champions from Apple to Nike) 

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