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http://www.CRNTT.com   2020-08-15 09:56:10


  The Internet is a global network of networks, where networks interconnect on a voluntary basis with no central authority. It is this architecture that has made the Internet so successful.
  Having a government dictate how networks interconnect according to political considerations rather than technical considerations, runs contrary to the very idea of the Internet. Such interventions will significantly impact the agility, resiliency, and flexibility of the Internet.
  If this approach were to spread further, the ability of the Internet to bring the broader benefits of collaboration, global reach, and economic growth will be significantly threatened. 

  (August 7, 2020, Internet Society, Internet Society Statement on U.S. Clean Network Program)

  The U.K. and France have no plans to block the Byte Dance Ltd. platform in their countries, spokespeople for the governments said. A German government official said the country has seen no signs that the app poses a security risk and has no plansto ban it.  

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