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http://www.CRNTT.com   2019-06-07 10:39:00


  Where nations are unable to make use of natural resources within their exclusive economic zones;

  Where coral reefs are dredged and destroyed with disastrous ecological and economic consequences;
  Where fishermen’s livelihoods are in peril as they are denied access to waters they and their ancestors have fished for generations;
  Where freedom of navigation and international overflight are restricted; and,

  Where the fundamental respect for the dignity of all peoples is ignored and religious freedoms are suppressed.

  If the trends in these behaviors continue, artificial features in the global commons could become tollbooths. Sovereignty could become the purview of the powerful.

  When a country makes a pledge and does not follow it, you should worry. When that same country makes no pledge … You should really worry.

  We can’t wish away reality or continue to look the other way as countries use friendly rhetoric to distract from unfriendly acts. Now is the time to call out the mismatch between words and deeds by some in the region and encourage them to work constructively and transparently toward a positive future.

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