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http://www.CRNTT.com   2019-06-07 10:39:00

  These are not American principles; they are broadly accepted across this region and the world. We know these principles are valuable because we have seen the damage that erupts when they are ignored. We also know from history that following these principles leads to greater security and increased prosperity.

  It has already happened here, where a regional order based on these principles spurred decades of growth, lifting billions out of poverty and transforming the Indo-Pacific into the world’s most dynamic region.

  We know the inter-dependence of security and economics, that economic security is national security. That’s why we want the Indo-Pacific to remain free and open:

  Because it allows countries to prosper, and prosperous countries are stable and capable of contributing to regional security and stability.
  For this reason, the United States does not want any country in this region to have to choose or forgo positive economic relations with any partner. Expanding prosperity is vital for us all.

  This region has experienced an unprecedented 70 years of relative peace and rising prosperity, supported by steady American engagement in all spheres.

  However, some in our region are choosing to act contrary to the principles and norms that have benefitted us all.

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