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http://www.CRNTT.com   2019-06-07 10:39:00

  As you invest in yourself, know that we are strengthening even further our unrivaled network of alliances and partnerships. We know this region’s size and complexity requires the greatest degree of cooperation. And we know we are up to the challenge.

  No other nation can match the United States’ ability to work across distance, cultures, languages, and time – and we are increasing the rate at which we do this.

  Global participation in our combined military exercises increased 17% in the last two years. This region has benefitted immensely from it.

  An excellent example can be found in last month’s “La Pérouse” exercise in the Indian Ocean:the U.S. Navy drilled alongside the French aircraft carrier 
  Charles de Gaulle, Japanese helicopter carrier Izumo and destroyer Murasame, and Australian frigate Toowoomba and submarine Collins. Who else can bring together militaries otherwise separated by three oceans and more than 9,000 kilometers?

  This is just one vignette out of thousands. Project this training, interoperability, and shared capability across the full scope of exercises and you find that our mutually beneficial alliances and partnerships give a durable, asymmetric advantage that no competitor can match.

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