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http://www.CRNTT.com   2019-06-07 10:39:00

  Let me briefly highlight some other work we are doing with our committed partners:

  U.S.-India defense relations have strengthened significantly over the last decade, and India is now a Major Defense Partner. We are increasing the scope, complexity, and frequency of our military engagements, to include our first tri-service exercise later this year.

  The signing of the Communications, Compatibility, and Security Agreement or COMCASA last year was a historic development that enables us to further expand our relationship toward more practical and meaningful areas of cooperation. This includes greater interoperability and information-sharing.

  I visited Indonesia earlier this week and was impressed by the strength of our strategic partnership with the world’s third-largest democracy. The United States and Indonesia have an active exercise program that includes more than 200 bilateral military engagements annually, and our interoperability is enhanced by common platforms such as F-16 fighters and Apache attack helicopters.
  Singapore is a steadfast U.S. partner in Southeast Asia with a strong commitment to promoting regional and global stability. Singapore is our only Major Security Cooperation Partner in the region and provides valuable access to U.S. Navy ships and U.S. military aircraft whose presence contributes to security and stability in the region. And we are glad to have Singapore’s fighter aircraft train alongside the U.S. Air Force.

  The U.S. and Mongolia have a comprehensive partnership based on common values and shared strategic interests. Mongolia is a net security exporter upholding the free and open Indo-Pacific, enforcing U.N. Security Council Resolutions to de-nuclearize North Korea, 

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