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http://www.CRNTT.com   2019-06-07 10:39:00

  We need you to invest in ways that take more control over your sovereignty and your own ability to exercise sovereign choices.

  Every nation has a responsibility in the free and open Indo-Pacific. The United States will uphold our commitments, and we need our allies and partners to contribute their fair share. We need you to:

  Invest sufficiently in your own defense; it strengthens deterrence.

  Build third-partner capacity; it helps the network scale.

  Uphold a rules-based international order; it keeps the playing field level.

  Provide access to address contingencies; it makes us more responsive.

  Strengthen interoperability and think carefully about the implications of defense sales; you are buying a long-term relationship, not just a platform.

  Expand information sharing with like-minded countries and ensure your own networks are secure and trusted by others; it keeps us connected.

  Pool resources for common objectives; it distributes the weight.

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