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http://www.CRNTT.com   2019-06-07 10:39:00

 maritime security, counter-terrorism, counter-proliferation, you name it – across shared domains and in defense of shared principles.

  This is what we are doing now:effectively working together to advance our mutual interests, deter conflict, and support the stability that generates economic growth. Our defense relationships are already strong and there can be a tendency to focus on incremental improvements to our existing cooperation.

  But I challenge all of us to look beyond the present and envision possibilities for the future. We can and will do so much more. The new age of threats and the technologies needed to meet them will allow for improved partnerships whose potential is beyond imagination.

  Now, we need to be pragmatic. Partnerships require trust to effectively solve problems together. Disagreements are ok, and welcomed.

  The strength of our partnerships is our ability to solve problems, not merely identify them. And we will resolve them in an inclusive, transparent fashion based on agreed-upon rules.

  We will be successful. We are focused on the right priorities; we are postured for success. In my 30 years working with partners in this region, I have seen this region come together to solve tough problems. We can find solutions if we are truly committed to seeing a task through.

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