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http://www.CRNTT.com   2019-06-07 10:39:00

  Today we–this collective gathering–are building a shared security order. Every nation, independent of size, has an important role to play. And like the business of building airplanes, no one nation can go it alone.
No one nation can–or should–dominate the Indo-Pacific. It is in all our interests to work together to build a shared future, one that is better than anything any of our nations could achieve on our own.
 Whether airplanes or security architectures, you start with a blueprint–a guide that ensures everyone’s contributions fit together. The United States’ blueprint for the region is a Free and Open Indo-Pacific. Many regional nations have advanced similar plans, and we welcome those.

  The Free and Open Indo-Pacific vision is an effective guide for regional contributions because it is based on enduring principles of international cooperation:

  Respect for sovereignty and independence of all nations, large and small;

  Peaceful resolution of disputes;

  Free, fair, and reciprocal trade and investment, which includes protections for intellectual property; and,

  Adherence to international rules and norms, including freedom of navigation and overflight.

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